When you own a niche tea business, there are plenty of aspects to get right in order to successfully bring your product to market, and to build and maintain a profitable base of loyal customers. Having a strong brand is essential, and packaging plays a vital part of your brand’s overall presentation. Tea retailers will think very carefully about the …
Why is There a Need for Specialty Tea Blenders?
There may be some disagreement about what qualifies as a speciality tea, but it generally refers to the most high-quality loose-leaf varieties. This means a careful process of choosing and picking the leaves to blend in your final product. It also means you need the best equipment and most professional expertise for the tea blending process. What are speciality teas? …
How Can the Consultation Services of Blue Ocean help Specialty Tea Brands?
Specialty teas can be some of the highest-quality products, with each brand having its own distinct flavour and character. To manufacture these teas, you need careful attention at every stage of the process, from sourcing ingredients to blending the tea to the eventual shipping and marketing. Blue Ocean has the expertise to support you through every single one of these …
Blue Ocean Tea – The Trusted Consultancy Partner for All Tea Manufacturers
Blue Ocean Tea was established to help produce both functional and speciality teas. This includes offering a consultancy service to support any specialty tea company looking to improve its strategies and production. We can provide advice and material support at all stages of the development process. How we can help your specialty tea company? Our consultancy services are available from when you …
What Types of Tea Blends can Blue Ocean Help you with?
There has been no better time to invest in your own tea business. Demand for tea is growing greatly as customers discover the allure of speciality teas. Tea is healthy, delicious, and refreshing at any time of day. What’s more, there are so many potential blends and leaves to discover that entrepreneurs have a superb opportunity to white-label their own …
How Contract Manufacturing with Blue Ocean Can make Headway for Tea Business Owners
The global tea market is hugely attractive and the power of the internet means that businesses in any country can set up profitable, niche tea businesses and find customers in any country in the world – if they have the right business model and marketing plans. Many of the most successful tea brands work with private label tea manufacturers to …